CF Dominicana - Cigar Catering Contact  

Cigar Catering Options
Cigar Rollers - Now in 15 cities

CF Dominicana - Cigar Catering For Special Events - CF Dominicana offers many ways for you to integrate cigars at your special event.

  • The"CF" Cigar Servers who will hand out the cigars in a way that's reminiscent of the lounges from the 1950's.
  • A Cigar Roller will hand roll your guest's cigars as they watch - a very upscale addition to an event.
  • Custom Designed Cigar Bands with your own Graphics Designer specifically for your event.
  • Premium Gourmet Flavored Cigars that will fill the room with pleasant scents of Vanilla, Chocolate, Cognac and more.
  • Display humidors that can be placed on any table top that's visually attractive and shows off the cigars while your guests take them as they wish.
  • Cigar Menus can be created to go along with the display. 
  • Send us the details of your event or ask us a question by filling in the form below.
Special Event Form


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