• CF Dominicana Free Promotion

CF Dominicana has created a strong promotional program that will partner with your restaurant, nightclub or bar. CF Dominicana will supply cigars, cigar menus and display humidors at no charge - cigars are sold on consignment. If you'd like, we can even make Custom Designed Cigar Bands with your restaurant's name for a small charge. There is no "out-of-pocket" money ever required by owners.

This innovative marketing plan is an excellent promotional tool and an added accomodation that restaurants/nightclubs/bars can offer without costing any money at all. "Our program makes CF Cigars a partner with the restaurant, not a vendor", says Dennis Briganti, President of CF Dominicana.

Your restaurant/nightclub/bar will receive a display humidor that holds six different types of premium cigars. Our humidors are portable (16"x18"x 6") so they can be easily placed behind the bar or conveniently removed if you'd like to discourage smoking at certain times. (*See below for pictures of our humidor). The humidors can also be converted to become a "cigar tray" so you can have "cigar server" float the room serving cigars for your Special events. We also supply cigar menus with your restuarant's name that give a description of the displayed cigars. Each week you'll return an e-mail or fax showing how many cigars were sold and CF Cigars will send the replenishment cigars, C.O.D. Your restaurant keeps 15% of the gross or more if you mark-up the prices even further. There is no obligation required other than an agreement to be responsible for our inventory if it should be lost, stolen or damaged. A bank reference is required to participate. There is no time obligation and participating venues may cancel at anytime and for any reason.

You can request a brochure or send a quick note by filling out the field below - be sure to include your E-mail and phone.

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